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Unlocking LUPUS Relief in TCM: Comprehending LUPUS both in TCM and Western medicine

  TCM/Traditional Chinese Medicine approach on LUPUS In traditional Chinese Medicine/TCM, LUPUS is a combinatory condition of deficiencies and excesses based on an imbalance and disharmony of Yin/Yang in the body. It often related to a combination of deficiencies in the Zang organs such as   Lungs, Kidneys, and Spleen as well as excesses of pathogenic factors such as Dampness, Heat, Dryness, Wind, Cold, etc. TCM treatment approaches LUPUS through a holistic perspective, aiming to restore balance and support the body’s natural healing mechanism by tailored methods for each individual. Treatments are focused on tonifying the deficiencies and purging the excess of pathogenic factors by identifying patterns of disharmony and imbalances of energy/Qi, blood, and organ functions. 1. Common diagnostic pattern for LUPUS in TCM 2. TCM Treatments Acupuncture helps to harmonize and balance Yin and Yang, preventing or treating drug side effects. Cupping therapy helps to relieve tenderness/pain, e

Acupuncturist's suggestion - Keep Your Body Warm!

                    "You are welcomed to  BDYi Acupuncture, NYC. 646-926-0410 " Keep your body warm!  It is one of the most crucial things for good health and beauty. It is common knowlege that a drop in body temperature causes a decline in circulatory and immune system performance. Average Body Temperature The average body temperature of 37C/98.6F was first established by the German physician Carl Reinhold August Wunderlich. Based on the multiple armpit measurements of 25,000 patients, he stated in 1852 that an adult's normal body temperature is between 36.2C an 37.5C. This figure has been the industry norm every since. If the temperature is lower or higher than this standard, the body's mechanisms diverge from normal operation.  Later, a study led by Standford professor Julie Parsonnet asserted that a person's body temperature drops by 0.05F every 10 years. She explains that this decline is due to a decrease in metabolic rate and adds that environmental changes

An Acupuncturist's Perspective on the Connection Between Health and Beauty

An old saying states that losing money is equivalent to losing a little, losing honor is like losing half, and losing health is equivalent to losing everything.  Healthy What does it mean to be healthy? While Western medicine defines health as a state of being free from disease or injury, traditional Oriental medicine determines it as a state of being in harmony with nature and humans, body and mind, Qi and blood, etc. A healthy appearance is one that exudes vitality and reflects good physical health. In other words, when you're healthy, you have more energy for your activities, you feel more self-assured, and your physical appearance radiates energetic beauty. This is one of main objectives in traditional Oriental/ Chinese medicine. Beauty  In this discussion of beauty, I don't mean the glamorized representations of beauty that the media markets as a product. These commodified representations of beauty make each person's distinctive and heterogenous beauty into something t

Acupuncture Points for Acupressure on Allergies

As winter gives way to spring, spring is a time for both nature and people to spread the wings. Nature sprouts green buds and sheds the winter's dust as the fresh spring energey takes hold. Our bodies react in numerous ways in the attempt to adapt to these changes. As far as we can tell, one of the most common reactions is an allergy. Allergies can also be brought on by certain foods, medicines, chemicals, and other things.  Allergies are believved to be closely related to immunity, which is a natural autoimmune system as the defensive mechanism in our bodies. It automatically responds to outside stimuli or substances that are absorbed into the body, releasing histamine to signal that something has changed in the body by creating symptoms like swellings, skin irritability, indigestion, coughing, sneezing, itching, runny nose, watery eyes, etc.  Each person's level of sensitivity to these allergens differs, and those with compromised immune systems, asthma, or other respiratory

Acupuncturist's Guyu/穀雨

  Guyu is observed on April 20 in 2023. It is the sixth of the year's 24 seasonal days and literally translated as "rain for crops." Agricultural seeds sown during the preceding Qingming seasonal period need to be moistened in order to flourish. A sufficient amount of rain is forecast around Guyu in order to generate a healthy harvest, just as a pleasant climate is anticipated for sowing during Qingming in the beginning of April. Healing Water & Detoxifying Tea  People used to travel to the  mountains during the Guyu time to drink the water that was collected in the trees since it was thought to have healing properties. In Korea, drinking Ugeon tea was customary around Guyu. As claimed to be a mind-clearing detoxifier according to historical records, Ujeon tea is one of the best green teas thanks to its savory flavor and aromatic perfume produced  from young leaves collected before Guyu. Our bodies, which are an extension of nature, need extra fluids to hydrate and pr

Acupuncturist's View of Love

Love is a holistic concept that extends beyond mere emotion and takes into account our body's reaction to stimuli. This post iresponds to my patient's query on how traditional medicine explains love.  The Heart and Love Our brain waves begin to tremble when we have a crush on someone. If it goes away quickly, it is simply an empty fever.  The overflowing heat fire triggers seven emotions by sending signals to all of the internal organs and making us feeling overly ecstatic when we deeply fall in love. To put it another way, the heart, the emperor of all the internal organs, is likely to send out a fireball to all the other organs into a single thread and absorbing them into the fire of the heart when we deeply fall in love.  Heart & Kidneys The kidneys must function appropriately to harmoniously retain the love fireball. If the kidneys are not properly moisturizing,  the heart's flame will become more apparent, and feelings like fear, unease, or pleasure may overflow th

The Yin/Yang Harmony Affected by the COVID Pandemic

  The onset of COVID pandemic has drastically altered the patten of Yin and Yang in all realms of our lives-philosophical, cultural, therapeutic inter/personal spheres, etc. Yin and Yang The concept of Yin and Yang is closely related to the philosophy of change in China. It emphasizes that change is a natural and essential part of life, and that balance and harmony can be achieved by understanding and embracing change. According to the philosophy of change in China, everything in the cosmos is constantly changing and the only way to attain equilibrium is to accept and adapt to these changes. This is reflected in the Yin and Yang symbol, which shows two halves of a circle that are constantly flowing into one another. Ancient and vital to Chinese philosophy and culture, the yin and yang notion has been used to guide understanding in traditional chinese medicine in consideration of balanced Qi and blood flow between exterior and interior, heat and cold, excess and deficiency by addr

Apprehensive about Acupuncture or Traditional Herbal Remedies?

Are you skeptical about acupuncture or traditional herbal remedies? This post is being produced with the goal of helping those who are unfamiliar with traditional medicine and who have refused access to its benefits due to prejudice, after coming across a website that criticized conventional Eastern medicine in an uneducated and aggressive way. Traditional Eastern medicine is a medical systematization of human existence in nature, in which the human body, mind, and spirit as a whole are models of nature and are nature itself, sharing the processes of creation, change, growth, and decay. Therefore, TEM is a thorough comprehension of the human body and health in the context of philosophy, religion, diet, and social connections, and the therapy in line with that understanding. It is easy to dismiss such a qualitatively integrated system as non-analytical and unscientific when we are used to quantitatively analytical and empirically techno-scientific perspectives simply because TEM is no

Qing Ming as the Fifth of the 24 Seasonal Days

Qingming & Liver Qi in TCM One of the earliest records linking Liver Qi with Qingming is found in the Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic), a foundational text of traditional Chinese medicine. In the section known as the Suwen (Simple Questions), it is stated that during the Qingming season, the liver is in a state of renewal and that it is important to avoid overtaxing the liver during this time. The text also mentions the importance of balancing Liver Qi in order to maintain overall health and well-being. In addition to the Huangdi Neijing, other classical texts of traditional Chinese medicine, such as the Shanghan Lun (Treatise on Cold Damage) and the Jingui Yaolue (Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet), also mention the importance of balancing Liver Qi during the Qingming season. In modern times, traditional Chinese medicine continues to recognize the importance of Liver Qi during the Qingming season and may recommend specific treatments or remedies to support
