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Showing posts from April, 2024

Unlocking LUPUS Relief in TCM: Comprehending LUPUS both in TCM and Western medicine

  TCM/Traditional Chinese Medicine approach on LUPUS In traditional Chinese Medicine/TCM, LUPUS is a combinatory condition of deficiencies and excesses based on an imbalance and disharmony of Yin/Yang in the body. It often related to a combination of deficiencies in the Zang organs such as   Lungs, Kidneys, and Spleen as well as excesses of pathogenic factors such as Dampness, Heat, Dryness, Wind, Cold, etc. TCM treatment approaches LUPUS through a holistic perspective, aiming to restore balance and support the body’s natural healing mechanism by tailored methods for each individual. Treatments are focused on tonifying the deficiencies and purging the excess of pathogenic factors by identifying patterns of disharmony and imbalances of energy/Qi, blood, and organ functions. 1. Common diagnostic pattern for LUPUS in TCM 2. TCM Treatments Acupuncture helps to harmonize and balance Yin and Yang, preventing or treating drug side effects. Cupping therapy helps to relieve tenderness/pain, e

A Weight Management Strategy I: Based on Four Constitutions in Traditional Korean Medicine

Do you still struggle to maintain a healthy weight even after attempting a variety of diets, fitness programs, and weight loss medications? Here, I'd like to share a weight-loss strategy based on the four constitutions that traditional Korean medicine has preserved.  When you choose the appropriate routine, exercise, food, and treatment based on your constitution, you will be able to maintain healthy weight and overall wellbeing. The fact that each patient has a unique constitution explains why, even when the same treatment is given for the same symptom, the results vary from patient to patient.  The four constitution types were first proposed by Lee Je-ma, born in 1894. He  was a traditional physician and used tailored treatments based on his four constitution types. As in  As in 周 易 /Iching, the basis of ancient Eastern medicine and the repository of the laws of nature and the cosmos, he focused on the four constitution  types according to the yin and yang dynamics in harmony wit
